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Big Dog's Family Tree

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Thanks for stopping by. This site is dedicated to the research and documentation of my family tree. To make it simple, I have linked the surnames that you'll find included on this page so all you need to do is click on the name and it will take you to the first relative for that branch of the family. The names that I'm currently researching are:
Adams, Adams (2), Albright, Applegarth, Bartimus, Belon, Bonnell, Boyd, Brunikowski, Bulian, Burkhart, Burnett, Butler, Carrothers, Clark, Connor, Crothers, Crow, Edgar, Flaherty, Geanangel, Hall, Heilman, Hewett, Hodgson, Hoit, Janelle, Johnson, Kutay, Leasure, Long, Lough, Lyons, Marbais, McBride, McFarland, Mecum, Milliken, Mills, Mitchum, Moore, Moore (2), Morris, Niggemyer, Norman, Perry, Pickens, Quail, Reaser, Reese, Rensi, Rensi (2), Resch, Romanek, Rufer, Steele, Stewart, Thomas, Tippens, Waddell, West, Whittaker, Wilson, Wolfe, Yakaboski, Yoho, Zerger

The site is in it's infancy and not all branches of the family are linked, but it will continue to grow rapidly as more and more names are added so please stop by frequently. To help you explore the site, I have added some navigational tools in the panel to the left. They are clearly labeled and pertainent to the content of the linked page(s). One of my pet peeves is going to a site to try to find information, searching through numerous pages only to find that what I was looking for wasn't there in the first place. . .Big Dog

If you can't run with
The Big Dog
Keep your tail on the porch!